How To Keep Water Fresh In A Plastic Water Storage Tank?
- June 13, 2022
- Posted by: ptbloguser
- Category: OTOfil Tank Water Filter, Penguin Tank, Plastic Water Storage Tank

The water you store in a plastic water storage tank is the main source for drinking, cooking, cleaning, washing, and other household activities. Therefore, keeping water fresh for a longer period of time inside your storage tank is all-important, although a lot of people have taken this for granted. However, let Penguin Tank, the manufacturer of the best water filter for water tanks provide you with some ways you can keep your water pure and fresh in a plastic water storage tank.
• Use chlorine and bleach to stop the growth of algae:
One of the main reasons for making tank water impure or polluted is the growth of algae inside the tank. Due to the exposure to sunlight and heat, the growth of algae automatically takes place and makes the stored water impure. Henceforth, to get rid of the growth of algae, you may either apply chlorine or bleach in sufficient amounts. The proper amount of chlorine and bleach makes water clean and keeps it fresh and pure for hours.
• Clean the water storage tank even when it is brand-new:
A lot of people often purchase and install a brand-new storage tank, immediately fill it up with water, and then wonder why their water smells bad, and algae are growing in the water after a couple of weeks! This is because they do not clean the tank after its installation. During manufacturing, storing, shipping, and installation the water tanks might get polluted with chemicals, algae, and bacteria. Therefore, it is always better to clean the water storage tank with chlorine or bleach before filling it up with water.
• Place the water tank in a cool and dark place:
If you place your water storage tank in a cool and dark place, the water stored inside the tank will remain fresh for a long time without even adding chlorine and bleach. This is because if there is no heat and direct existence of sunlight, there will not be the growth of algae inside the tank. The formation of algae requires sunlight and heat fundamentally. Therefore, try to ideally keep your water storage take in a cool and dark place for keeping water pure.
• Use a tank water filter to purify water:
It is true that no matter what you do to keep your tank water fresh and pure, there will be some accumulation of sediment on the bottom of the water tank. Therefore, it is a pretty good option to install a tank water filter that flawlessly purifies your tank water and keeps the water fresh all time.
Penguin Tank has brought to you the OTOfil tank water filter that keeps your water free from calcium particles, sand particles, and sediment.